
Weekly Radio Programs

Nida Nelson (Aleut) Part 3

Nida’s sister rejected her because of Nida’s choice to follow Jesus. But years later tragedy would bring the sisters back together – closer than they had ever been. Then again, tragedy struck. But this time it would result in death. Listen as Nida shares what happened and the confidence she has that she’ll see her sister again.

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Nida Nelson (Aleut) Part 2

Nida finally found what she’d been searching for. You can hear the joy in her voice as she recalls the moment that she did. She was at peace with God. But life was still filled with challenges. Find out what happens next as she comes home from church to a husband whose been drinking.

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Nida Nelson (Aleut) Part 1

Nida said, “There were things I was doing that I didn’t want to do. I was hurting my family. I wanted change in my life and I couldn’t do it.” That’s not an uncommon place to be. But she didn’t stay there.

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Sam Otter (Cherokee)

Alcohol had Sam. But Sam had friends who really cared for him. In fact, they cared enough not to be silent. He didn’t like it when he saw Arthur coming because he knew what he was going to hear. Then his old drinking buddy started showing up – Buck was different now – in a good way, and he wanted that for Sam.

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Winnie Bair (Cree)

Have you ever felt wicked because of what someone else did to you? Winnie knows what it’s like. How about losing someone close to your heart? She’s been there too. Her life was filled with pain and shame. But things are different now… because of Jesus.

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Shawn Whitey (Navajo)

Shawn was close to his grandfather, who had a profound impact on his life. But there was someone else who would have an even greater impact on Shawn… someone who would change his life forever.

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Jess French (Cherokee)

Ever heard voices? Jess did. It shook him up. “So I went to Charles, but I didn’t tell him what was going on in my thoughts. I asked him to give me a straight shot of whiskey, and I always had the pills to make me high or low, so I went into the bathroom and took those two elements, and what I was trying to do, I was trying to forget that voice.”

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Bob Moberly (Dene)

Growing up with alcohol can make a significant impact on a life… and hateful words from those who are close can cut like a knife. Today’s Storyteller has experienced both. But, he has not been defeated. He is an overcomer.

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Ralph Hamblin (Sac and Fox) Part 2

Alcohol really took a toll on his family, but for Ralph, it never took hold of him. What is it that made him different? Was it fate? Was it the choices that he made? You may be surprised by what he says. Listen in as Ralph shares the rest of his story.

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Ralph Hamblin (Sac and Fox) Part 1

Ralph grew up in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He talks about his roots and talks about his grandmother who had a significant influence on his life. As you listen to him share his story, you’ll understand why.

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