John Bear (Muscogee) Part 1
John was close to his mom and dad growing up. John was a good athlete and played a number of sports. His dad was there for every game. His...
Jimmie Fish (Creek)
“I’m ready. If I were to die today, I know that I would go to Heaven.” How can Jimmie say that? And how can she talk so confidently about...
Frank Wilson (Cree)
Frank grew up on a reserve north of Winnipeg. At a young age, his dad took ill and so Frank dropped out of school to help meet the family’s...
Larry Hawkins (Chickasaw) Part 2
When God saved Larry – he didn’t want to continue living the way that he used to. He wanted to live his life fully for One who loved Him...
Larry Hawkins (Chickasaw) Part 1
His was mother was Chickasaw. His father, who was Anglo, rejected him as his son… so Larry grew up in someone else’ home with the stigma of being a...
Julius TwoHearts (Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux) Part 3
When people can tell you they see the joy of the Lord or they can see God in you, WOW, that makes it more worthwhile. That just gives me...
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